Low-carb diet can reduce life expectancy?

From this information, scientists determined the average caloric intake along with the amount of polyunsaturated nutrients they consumed - carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

After 25 years of follow-up study participants, they concluded that a 50-year-old who ate moderately carbohydrates (50-55% of calories from carb) lived an average of four years longer than those who ate the diet. Very low carb (less than 30% of calories from carb).

People who eat traditional carbohydrates (30-40% carbohydrates) also have a shortened life expectancy of 2 years compared to those who eat moderately.

That is why people who are eating keto (a diet of only 5% calories from carbs) have to weigh, along with other information that keto suspect also increases the risk of diabetes.

Seidelmann (a research group) has found that replacing dietary carbohydrates with protein or fat is becoming more prevalent due to increasing dietary weight loss, but the diet rich in animal protein and low in carbohydrates Possibility related to the risk of decreased life expectancy. Therefore, this diet is not recommended. The team found that instead of meat, middle-aged people switched to a diet rich in plant-based fats such as avocados and nuts; And protein from soy products or lentils reduces the risk of death.

Nutritionist Ian Johnson of the Quadram Institute of Biology in Norwich, UK, says there is nothing guaranteed to be done about the long-term use of low-carb diets rich in animal proteins. "It's important that quality is not the amount of starch in the diet, so people should follow a scientific diet rich in fiber, whole grains, rather than the diet." High sugar, processed foods.