Healthy Foods That Are Very High in Iron

Iron is an essential nutrient for our general health, playing an important role in many processes of the body. Some foods rich in iron include seaweed, red meat, chocolate and spices. However, the body is not easy to receive this nutrient through the food put into the body. According to the needs of the body, men need 9mg of iron each day while women need 18mg. In addition, women in pregnancy need about 20mg of iron because it helps the fetus develop normally and breastfeed. Iron deficiency can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, exhaustion, poor immunity, reduced physical and mental health in general.
The risk of iron deficiency in the body can be due to the following causes:
- Diet is poor nutrition and unbalanced or iron deficiency
- As the body increases the demand for this nutrient, such as pregnant or lactating women
- The body reduces iron absorption due to gluten allergy, inflammatory bowel disease or other intestinal disorders
- Drinking too much tea or supplements, calcium supplements lead to natural iron deficiency in the body
- Loss of blood during menstruation or childbirth
Here are the vegetables, iron-rich foods you should add to your diet to improve health:
1. Spinach
This vegetable contains very little calories but is extremely rich in iron, vitamin A and antioxidants, so spinach is considered one of the healthiest foods. In particular, the iron content in spinach is enhanced when cooked. In addition, water spinach is also rich in green vegetables.
2. Tofu
Soy products are rich in thiamine, magnesium, selenium, calcium and in 126g of tofu provide up to 3.6g of iron equivalent to 19% of iron your body needs every day. Isoflavones also help improve insulin sensitivity in the body, reduce menopausal symptoms and reduce the risk of heart disease.
3. Grains
Beans, hazelnuts, almonds, as well as dates and figs are all rich in iron but at the same time they are also rich in calories. Therefore, you should regularly add nuts, but should only eat moderately. It is best to eat them in a live or complementary fashion to a smoothie, dessert or salad instead of sugar.
4. Black Chocolate
A 30g black chocolate diet contains 3.2mg of iron, equivalent to 18% of the body's daily amount, and contains 25% copper and 16% of the daily magnesium intake. Dark chocolate also contains a lot of prebiotic fiber, which is friendly to the intestinal tract. It also helps regulate cholesterol in the body and reduces the risk of stroke as well as heart problems. Scientists have shown that cocoa and dark chocolate contain more antioxidants than blueberry and acai juice. To take advantage of the benefits of cocoa, choose 70% .
Green peas
Beans are rich in antioxidants, starches and fiber, but green beans contain the highest levels of iron. Only 100g green beans contain up to 1.8mg of iron. In addition, they contain potassium, copper, zinc and regular foods that can help you reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, lose weight, prevent diabetes and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. . Try incorporating it into the diet several times a week and consuming around 680g.
6. Red beets
In 100g red radish contains up to 1.8mg of iron as well as large amounts of betanin, magnesium and calcium. It is effective in preventing cancer, supporting liver function and purifying blood. In addition, red beets are rich in folic acid, which helps to assimilate carbohydrates.
7. Lentils
A 100g lentils diet provides 3.3mg of iron along with large amounts of fiber for good digestion, and also a good source of protein for good health. Lentils also contain plenty of B vitamins and magnesium for pregnant women and many sportsmen.
8. Cauliflower
In 100g of cauliflower contains 1mg of iron. Sourdough is rich in vitamin C equivalent to 168% of the body's daily need. Specifically, these vitamins contribute to the body's absorption of iron better. K, folate and fiber, as well as other similar vegetables, which contain both indole, sulforaphane and glucosinolates are compounds from plants that fight cancer.
9. Curly
Currants provide a large amount of nutrients and vitamins even beyond the recommended daily allowance, such as 512% vitamin A and 200% vitamin C. However, a serving of 100g currants Up to 1.5mg of iron is more than the content of meat. Curd is rich in vitamin K, which has an effect on blood clotting, healthy bone formation, and fiber that supports constipation. This vegetable has very low levels of cholesterol, which helps digestion, cardiovascular and reduces the flow of glucose into the bloodstream.
10. Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, vitamins A, F, B and E. In 100g seeds contain up to 35mg pro.